by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 11 Oct, 2018
Savvy Mastermind #003 Training your team with online learning with steve cornEy from learn awesomE Steve is a “learning strategist” who is passionate about learning and knowledge. He knows how tough it is to not to be able to find and keep great...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 3 Oct, 2018
Savvy Mastermind #001 ~ Pandadoc vs Practice Ignition Pricing your packages with PandaDoc or Practice Ignition… Amy Hooke shows what to use in Pandadoc vs Practice Ignition, with a demonstration how to set up your pricing packages in PandaDoc so you can do...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 3 Oct, 2018
Savvy Mastermind #002 Understanding Google Rank, SEO and how blogging can help your business Angela Rodgers, copywriter and professional blogger, joins me as we discuss how to get found on Google, and cover the basics on what SEO is and how to start a blog. Notes &...