by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 31 Oct, 2019
The Bookkeeping Project Part 10 Bookkeeping profit report and tips In this revealing episode, Amy shares her year-to-date results for her bookkeeping business. Making a comparison of her business now, to her former version of the business, including some major...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 13 Sep, 2019
Episode #038 Narrow Your Focus To Improve Your Bookkeeping Business (Even If You Don't Want To Grow) Specialise your Bookkeeping Everyone is under a lot of pressure to GROW their business. But growing a business isn’t for everyone! So, if you've decided NOT to grow,...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 30 Aug, 2019
Episode #037 The Bookkeeping Project Part 8 Advisory process for Bookkeeping In this month's episode of The Bookkeeping Project, Amy share's her advisory process; all the way from the initial consult, health check and proposal. Covering in detail the advisory session...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 7 Jun, 2019
Episode #026 Should You Put Your Pricing On Your Bookkeeping Business Website? How to do bookkeeper pricing well There’s been a big debate in our industry about whether bookkeepers should put their prices on their website. Amy talks about whether this is good for...