Episode #119 Optimise Your Health Check Process

Join us on The Bookkeepers' Voice as we bring you the third episode of our ‘EOFY Throwback Series.' In this episode, we discuss improving your knowledge, reducing your risk and winning more bookkeeping clients. So what does this mean? We’re talking about bookkeeping and rescue jobs!

As your business evolves, so does your processes, pricing and most importantly – health checks. So we've also included a #throwback episode where Amy Hooke discusses the challenges of scoping rescue jobs and why you should always perform bookkeeping health checks before providing a quote or taking on a new client.

Key Takeaway: “Stop wasting time stumbling through Health Checks and gain the templates that will help you optimise the process!”

Podcast Info

Episode: #119

Series: General

Host: Angie Martin

Guest speaker: Amy Hooke

Topic: Optimise Your Health Check Process

Read transcript

Summary keywords: eofy, eofy tips, business owners, bookkeeping, bookkeeping tips and tricks, health checks, scoping rescue jobs


How Bookkeeping business owners can their Health Check Process


Hi everyone. Thank you so much for joining us for another episode of The bookkeepers voice. My name is Angie, and I'm here to go through another throwback episode as part of our exciting and a financial year throwback series. Today, we're going to be talking about improving your knowledge, reducing your risk and winning more bookkeeping clients. That's right, folks, we're going to be talking about bookkeeping and rescue jobs. Now, if you know our founder, Amy, you will know that she is passionate about doing rescue jobs, and she absolutely loves health checks. But as many of us know, there are always so many questions to ask yourself when quoting from one and it can seem really overwhelming once in a while.


EOFY tips for streamlining your bookkeeping quoting processes and procedures


Thankfully, once again, Amy loves doing this kind of work. In fact, she thinks it's actually fun, which I find a bit funny because the concept of doing health checks and rescue jobs for me is really overwhelming. In leveraging her passion and wealth of knowledge, Amy has created a masterclass to help benefit your business. If you are like me and think that these kind of jobs are a bit overwhelming. While it is we'll be giving you valuable time back into your day as a business owner and bookkeeper. You will also be able to streamline your process to make it easier to do more of these projects ongoing. And this masterclass, Amy runs through an 80 minute training session while also providing you the following templates to streamline your process and systemize your quote quoting procedures.


Templates for bookkeeping business owners for health check jobs


These templates include a health check report, health check template, a pricing table, email templates, initial consult forms, proposal cover letters, engagement letters, and legal T's and C's, which is all pretty awesome. Who doesn't love these kinds of templates? The reason why these are so important and revisiting your health check process ongoing is so important is because as your business evolves, so does your business processes, procedures, pricing, and most importantly, how you implement your price your health checks for your clients. This is why we have decided to reshare this fantastic episode we're about to listen to together. Although it might be a bit older of an episode, it is still as relevant as the day we launched it, and will serve a great reminder for those taking on new jobs and one off jobs during this busy into financial year season. And to be honest, whether you are a bookkeeping veteran or a newbie, this is a must listen episode. And I even suggest our savvy members to re listen to it on a yearly basis to make sure that anything they need to change or improve. They can't.


Bookkeeping tips and tricks when implementing business health checks to improve profit

So let's improve your overall profit and reduce the time it takes to implement the health checks that we are all doing as bookkeepers to have an ongoing and lasting effect to not only help us right now during the financial year, but throughout the year as well. Alright guys, let's get into health checks. And enjoy this awesome episode.



Full Throwback episode transcript here -> Episode #25 Scoping Rescue Jobs And The Importance Of Bookkeeping Health Checks