by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 16 Apr, 2020
Episode #064 How To Make Your Clients Think (And Care) About Their Numbers with Mick Devine CEO of Calxa How to make numbers and cash flow forecasting actually meaningful Have you ever been knocked back trying to get your clients to care about their financial reports?...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 23 Jan, 2020
Episode #052 Love It Or Hate It, Payroll Is Here To Stay Why you can benefit from solid payroll skills It’s that ONE THING we all love to hate! Whether you love it, or hate it. If you're a bookkeeper, there's not really anyway around providing this service. So how can...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 6 Jan, 2020
Episode #051 Leveraging Social Technology with Bookkeeper Samuel Burmeister from Tall Books Social Media Bookkeeping and you In an inspiring episode, Amy interviews fellow bookkeeper Samuel Burmeister, a bookkeeper who is crushing it in the digital space. It’s easy to...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 20 Dec, 2019
Episode #50 Unregistered Bookkeepers Providing BAS Services Why can only some lawfully offer BAS services? If you discover an unregistered bookkeeper providing BAS related services, should you dob them in? And what CAN an unregistered bookkeeper legally provide...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 21 Nov, 2019
Episode #046 What Bookkeepers And Accountants Are Doing About Non-Billable Time Discussing non-billable time with Amy Hooke Last week, Amy headed down to Accountech to facilitate four Intuit Table Talks on her favorite topic; pricing! A group of bookkeepers and...