by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 18 Jun, 2020
Episode #072 Setting SMART Goals and Maintaining Your Focus With Maia Coghlan and Amy Hooke How to achieve Bookkeeper performance goals This week we are officially introducing you to Maia, Amy's Wing-Woman. Find out how she got this title, and then pick up some great...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 14 May, 2020
Episode #068 JobKeeper, ATO Stimulus and Coronavirus Questions Answered Navigating Coronavirus and JobKeeper payments Coronavirus may be a turning point for bookkeepers and their relationships with small business owners. Join Amy Hooke this week and get all your...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 14 Nov, 2019
Episode #045 Amy Hooke's Review Of Accountech Live 2019 For Bookkeepers Accountech review from Amy Hooke, The Savvy Bookkeeper Accountech Live is a relatively new convention for companies to showcase their software solutions, and promote their services to bookkeepers...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 21 Jun, 2018
This webinar leads you through an exercise that will help you discover your specialisation topic and your ideal client, getting clarity about your expertise while distinguishing attributes of the clients or customers who will benefit from, and see value in what you...
by The Savvy Bookkeeper | 21 Jun, 2018
Learn to love marketing by discovering Permission Marketing, learn the benefits of Building Community, and start Discovering your unique Story. Looking to connect? • If you are a Bookkeeper who otherwise needs help with Savvy's other services, such as; Sales,...