Get BAS Lodgement Templates
BAS templates are an essential part of automating your Bookkeeping Business. Don't waste your time repeating the same task over and over again. By getting your processes automated, you redeem your time. Which means you have more time to work in your business doing more impactful task. And more time to work on your business, doing things like coming up with staff hiring procedures and client engagement letters, for example.
Here is a link to one from the ATO.
But ours are not samples, instead you can use them for your bookkeeping business.
Or you could spend your time understanding or developing your Value Proposition Statement (VPS):
- Who you are as a Bookkeeper
- What your Bookkeeping Business offers as a service
- Who you offer your services to ~ your ideal clients.
- What benefits does this bring for your ideal clients.
- How you solves problems for your potential clients.
Please click on the link if you are interested in finding your niche for your Bookkeeping business.
These kinds of things will help you to narrow your focus, specialise in what you do and who you work with, and therefore stop working with anyone and everyone who contacts you.
When you have this kind of information on your Bookkeeping Website, people can already see if they are a fit for working with you, or not. Because of this, your ideal clients will contact you. And more less ideal clients won't waste your time and theres. Which is a win:win for everyone involved.
BAS Templates for your Bookkeeping Business SUCCESS
By having your Savvy Bookkeeper BAS Templates ready to go, you will gain all of these above benefits. And you will present yourself to your clients as professional and competent. This will give them peace of mind that you are in fact the right bookkeeper for them.
So if all this sounds good to you, please submit your entry via the above Contact Form, and this begins the process.
Thank you for your time.
We look forwards to working with you!
The Savvy Bookkeeper team.