Episode #054 Understand Your Personality Type to Raise Your Professional Success
Understand your personality and be successful in your business
Amy has always loved to break the stereotype that bookkeepers are a bunch of ‘cardigan wearers'. Despite what some people think, not all bookkeepers are shy, introverted, analytical people who get excited about deadlines and compliance.
In 2020, bookkeepers come in a rainbow of colours, and beige is no longer one of them! Now more than ever, it's important to understand where you fit into the 16-Personalities matrix (aka MTBI or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). This will allow you to know your strengths and work with them, making better hiring decisions and understanding your clients more deeply.
Key takeaway: “If you think you need to have a certain personality because you're a bookkeeper, it's not true! You don't need to fit a mould. You just need to be YOU.”
Podcast Info
Episode: #054
Series: General
Host: Amy Hooke
Guest speaker: None
Topic: Understand Your Personality
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