EP53: Amy Hooke – Why You Should Join A Bookkeeping Community


You don't need to be alone.

As a bookkeeper, it's pretty easy to isolate yourself especially if you're a solo practice working from home.

For some, they don't even realize how big of a community of bookkeepers there is in the world.

Our guest, a marketing and branding expert for bookkeepers, Amy Hooke had no idea.

In the early days of her bookkeeping business, she was too busy dealing with terrible clients to notice.

But, that all changed for the better.

Today, she's a part of a supportive group of bookkeepers that give her the confidence she never had before.

Being with these like-minded people definitely changed her world for the better.

Joining a bookkeeping community can do the same for you.

During this interview, you'll learn…

  • How fellow bookkeepers can point out the positives in you that you never knew you had
  • How a bookkeeping community can provide good advice when you're dealing with client issues
  • Why you should find ways to pay it forward to your bookkeeper friends

To learn more about Amy, go here.

To access her free “The Perfect Bookkeeper Website Training”, click this link.


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