Episode #067 Everything you need to know about lead magnets – hosted by Angie Martin and Maia Coghlan

Bookkeeping lead magnets to help you attract your ideal clients

What is a lead magnet? Why would I give away my intellectual property for free? What can I use as a lead magnet? How do I actually get people to find it?

Have you ever asked any of these questions? Maybe you've never heard of bookkeeping lead magnets at all. But if you're running a business and you want to increase your leads, and the QUALITY of your leads, then you need *drumroll* a lead magnet!

Join Angie and Maia from #TeamSavvy as they cover the ins and outs of lead magnets (and a few other useful tidbits along the way). This episode is bursting with oodles of information that you can action RIGHT NOW to help grow and support your business.

Key takeaway: you will help your potential ideal clients chose your business with quality bookkeeping lead magnets.

Podcast Info

Episode: #067

Series: General

Host: Angie Martin + Maia Coghlan

Guest speaker: None

Topic: Leveraging Bookkeeping Lead Magnets

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But basically, a lead magnet is a way of sharing information with potential customers. Much like when you are offered a free sample at the delicatessen, you get to taste and see if you like it. With your lead magnet, it can help potential clients to see if you and they are a match, or not. After all, it can be quite painful working with people who are not a match for your business offering. Better to see you are not on the same wavelength up front, than later on.

By sharing something with them, you are building a rapport with them. And sometimes it takes people a few months to give you the go ahead, just because circumstances weren't permitting them to engage your services just yet.

Because they already know they want to work with you via you sharing your lead magnet with them, they keep you in mind once things start going their way.
